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Covid-19 Information

Information compiled from SF Dept of Public Health 

Updated Sept 9, 2022

Covid-19 Vaccinations
  • The new bivalent Covid-19 vaccination is now available which includes protection for the original Covid -19 virus and also the most common variant Omicron BA.4 and BA.5. 

    • If you have completed the original series and this new bivalent vaccine, you are considered fully boosted. There is no need to complete additional boosters. ​

    • The new bivalent vaccine is available at pharmacies from both Pfizer and Moderna. 

    • You may "mix-and-match" Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

  • Unfortunately, our office does not administer the Covid-19 vaccine. 

  • Please see the list below for locations around San Francisco. 

  • Additional information can be obtained from the CDC website

Covid-19 Testing
  • If you have symptoms of cough, sore throat, nasal congestion or fatigue, I would recommending testing for Covid-19 with a home test. 

    • If you do not test positive on the first day of symptoms, I would recommend continuing to use Covid-19 home test kits for another 3-4 days as the test may return positive.  


  • If you've have had a close contact with a person who's tested positive Covid-19, I would also recommend getting tested. 

    • A close contact means you’ve been indoors with someone who has Covid for 15 minutes or more, even if everyone was masked. 

    • I would recommend getting tested 3 to 5 days after you were first exposed.

    • You can choose to stay home and away from others if you can, especially those at high risk of getting sick from Covid. But you are not required to.


  • If you test positive with a home test, there is no need to perform confirmatory testing with outside PCR testing. 


What to do if you test positive 

Not feeling sick but tested positive: 

  • If you don’t develop symptoms but tested positive for COVID-19, stay home and away from others for 5 days, starting from when you first tested positive.

  • Test again on day 5 or later, preferably with a  rapid antigen test. If your test is:

    • Negative, you can leave home

    • Positive, stay home until you test negative or until 10 days have passed since you first tested positive, whichever comes first

  • After 10 days, you do not need to repeat another test.

  • You should wear a well-fitting mask any time you have to be around others for 10 days, starting from when you first tested positive.

  • If you do not get tested again, stay home and away from others for 10 days from when you first tested positive.


Feeling sick and tested positive:

  • If you have symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19, stay home and away from others for 5 days, starting from when you first felt symptoms.

  • After 5 days, you can leave home only if:

    • You have no fever

    • Your symptoms are getting better

    • You test negative for COVID-19 on day 5 or later, preferably with a rapid antigen test.

  • Otherwise, you can leave by day 10 as long as you have no fever and your symptoms are getting better. You do not have to take a test again after day 10.

  • You should wear a well-fitting mask any time you have to be around others for 10 days, starting from when you first felt symptoms.

  • Sometimes your symptoms can get worse after they have improved. If this happens, you should stay away from others for another 5 days.

  • Taking COVID-19 medicine does not change the time you should stay home and away from others.

Covid-19 Antiviral Medication 
  • If you test positive for Covid-19 infection, you may be eligible for specific antiviral medication. The following criteria are required to receive treatment. 

Covid-19 Return to Work Note
  • If you would like a return to work note, the San Francisco Department of Public Health has created a generalized note you may present to your employer. 

  • Most employees diagnosed with COVID-19 may return to work after 5 days with a strong recommendation to wear a well-fitted mask until at least day 10 if:

    • (1) You have a negative test collected on day 5 or later AND: ​

      • (a) If you had symptoms, it has been 5 days since your symptoms started, your symptoms have improved, AND you do not have a fever. ​

      • (b) If you never had symptoms, it has been 5 days since your positive test. 

  • If you have a positive Covid-19 test on day 5, you may return to work after 10 days as long as you have no fever and your symptoms are improving. You do not need to test again. ​​

  • Click here for Return to Work Note

Pos test
Covid Meds
Work Note
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